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sábado, 25 de junho de 2011

Time to Break Your Multivitamin Habit?

Time to Break Your Multivitamin Habit?
For years multivitamins have been touted as a smart, safe step, but it may be time to say goodbye to the one-size-fits-all approach to supplements.

If you're like many Prevention readers, multivitamins have been a key part of your daily routine since... well, forever. As recently as 2002, no less an authority than the Journal of the American Medical Association recommended that "all adults take one multivitamin daily." We at Prevention have suggested them to you dozens of times over the years as well. And many doctors and nutritionists still urge a multivitamin to any "less-than-perfect eater" to compensate for dietary shortfalls.
But today, a tsunami of scientific data has resulted in a reversal in thinking among many experts in the health and nutrition community, including Miriam Nelson, PhD, director of the John Hancock Research Center on Physical Activity, Nutrition, and Obesity at Tufts University. "The multivitamin as insurance policy is an old wives' tale, and we need to debunk it," she says.
The sea change is supported by two massive studies. The first, a review of 63 randomized, controlled trials (the gold standard research method) on multivitamins, published by the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, found that multis did nothing to prevent cancer or heart disease in most populations (the exception being developing countries where nutritional deficiencies are widespread). In the second paper, published last year, scientists at the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center followed 160,000 postmenopausal women for about 10 years. The researchers' conclusion: "Multivitamins failed to prevent cancer, heart disease, and all causes of death for all women. Whether the women were healthy eaters or ate very few fruits and vegetables, the results were the same," says the lead author, Marian Neuhouser, PhD.
Maybe you never expected your multi to prevent breast cancer or head off a heart attack. Maybe you just felt that taking one would make you healthier by boosting your immunity or energy level. But research on those benefits is equally discouraging, especially in specialized groups on which you'd expect them to have an impact. For instance, a British review of eight studies found no evidence that multis reduced infections in older adults. Another study found that the vitamins didn't improve fatigue among breast cancer patients undergoing radiation therapy. And inner-city schoolchildren who took a multi did not perform any better on tests or have fewer sick days than students who didn't take one.
"There is even a small body of evidence that may suggest harm from a multi," says David Katz, MD, MPH, director of the Prevention Research Center at Yale University School of Medicine. A 2010 study of Swedish women found that those who took multivitamins were 19% more likely to be diagnosed with breast cancer over a 10-year period than those who didn't. A 2007 paper in the Journal of the National Cancer Institutefound that men who took multivitamins along with other supplements were at increased risk of prostate cancer. And other research has linked excessive folic acid intake to higher colon cancer risk in people who are predisposed. "In terms of a risk-benefit ratio," says Dr. Katz, "why would you accept even a tiny risk if you're not getting any benefit?"
So why were earlier researchers so wrong? One reason is that they were studying the wrong people. It's now well known that people who take vitamins tend to be some of the planet's healthiest to begin with. Researchers have shown that vitamin takers tend to be leaner, more affluent, and more educated. They drink and smoke less; they exercise and go to the doctor more. In other words, they're healthy despite their use of multis.
In addition, the very concept of a multivitamin as nutrient delivery system is limited. We now have a much better understanding of how well whole foods deliver their nutritional benefits. A typical multi contains 10 to 25 isolated nutrients, but fruits and vegetables have hundreds of active compounds with a long list of health properties. "The vitamin C in a multivitamin is likely just not as effective as the vitamin C in a citrus fruit, where it's also surrounded by fiber and flavonoids and carotenoids. All these nutrients working together is what really keeps you healthy," explains Dr. Neuhouser.

quinta-feira, 23 de junho de 2011

Desodorante Sem Sais de Aluminio

Aloe Ever Shield (Desodorante Forever)

  Por todo o nosso corpo nós suamos. O suor tem uma função homeotérmica (de manter a temperatura do corpo), mas tem função de desintoxicação também. 

Em algumas partes do corpo, devido ao contato permanente da pele, o suor tende a acumular. Com isso o cheiro no local fica desagradável. O principal local onde isso acontece são as axilas. Ali o acúmulo do suor vai causando um odor desagradável. 

A maioria dos desodorantes ataca o mecanismo natural do corpo, evitando a transpiração, principalmente por meio de sais de alumínio, que impedem a transpiração total e, portanto, não há mau cheiro.  Nesse caso há dois problemas sendo criados:

 1 - O suor não é eliminado e as substâncias que deveriam ser eliminadas com ele começam a ficar presas nos tecidos em volta da axila, inclusive as mamas. 
2 - O próprio sal de alumínio que impede a transpiração começa a ser assimilado pela pele e se acumular nos tecidos, junto com as toxinas que não são eliminadas. Quando o primeiro desodorante anti-transpirante foi criado, ninguém sabia dos efeitos maléficos do alumínio nos tecidos do corpo humano. 

Atualmente se sabe que a intoxicação dos tecidos pelo alumínio causa diversos problemas à saúde, como câncer de mama e a diminuição gradual da capacidade erétil do homem (redução da potência sexual masculina). 
Por isso a Forever criou nosso desodorante à base de Aloe Vera com cera de Jojoba e SEM SAIS DE ALUMÍNIO. Então nosso desodorante NÃO IMPEDE A TRANSPIRAÇÃO, mas antes promove uma desintoxicação da axila. 

E toda desintoxicação tem seus efeitos temporários indesejados. Basicamente podem acontecer duas coisas desagradáveis (TENHA EM MENTE QUE SÃO TEMPORÁRIAS): 
1 - A irritação da pele, ficando vermelha, com ardência, às vezes manchada e sensível demais. 
2 - Mau cheiro na axila, fazendo parecer que o desodorante não funciona. A ardência pode acontecer por causa da desintoxicação da pele propriamente dita, porque o organismo começa a expelir as substâncias acumuladas ao longo dos anos nos tecidos. Se seu organismo é muito ácido por conta da má alimentação, essa secreção será ácida também, irritando a pele. 
Sugiro um ou dois ciclos de desitoxicação com Bits´n Peaches, Fields of Greens, Garlic-Thyme e Forever Lite. Para o caso do mau cheiro obviamente a causa é a desintoxicação, então recomendo um ou dois ciclos de limpeza interna também. 

segunda-feira, 20 de junho de 2011

Perder Peso - Combinação Perfeita - Desintoxicação, Fibras e Nutrição

Suco de Aloe Vera com Cramberry e suco de maça
Fibras verdes
Shake para café da manhã e jantar

Produtos para quem quer perder peso - consumo de 1 mes